Ben West, DTCG, Stormwater and Environmental Engineer
Project Snapshot
- 12.1 miles of light-rail transit line from Denver to Golden, CO, through a fully developed urban area, seven regulatory jurisdictions, and 25 federally protected waters of the United States
- Stormwater design February 2008, project complete April 2013
- Zero enforcement actions
- Received IECA “Project Excellence” Award 2010, 2012

The Project
SRM developed over 1,200 sheets of multi-phased erosion control plans and the written narratives under a very aggressive schedule and constantly changing design. We were tasked with timely obtaining the NPDES permits for all segments and for training field crews in the proper management of all stormwater systems.
The project involved extensive work within, and adjacent to, four Waters of the State and twenty five different federally protected Waters of the U.S., significantly raising the level of environmental risk for the contractor and the owner.
Seven environmental agencies had jurisdiction over different portions of the rail line, complicating bureaucratic considerations significantly.
SRM provided the ComplianceWise management software, monthly compliance audits and assistance on each segment throughout the duration of the project to help managers assure minimum permit compliance was being achieved.
The RTD West Rail project met their zero-enforcement goal. DTCG was recognized as the “2012 Contractor of the Year” by the International Erosion Control Association and received the IECA Mountain States Chapter “Project Excellence” award in 2010 & 2012
RTD’s Western Corridor was the first transit rail project in the US to utilize a fully digital approach to compliance management and recordkeeping. SRM gained the approval from each regulatory agency before using this groundbreaking approach